Bicycle Helmet Materials for
Teachers and Future Teachers
Summary: We are very pleased to provide our materials to teachers and teaching students. Some of the pages below are also available on paper if you prefer that format.
We're glad you came!
We are glad to provide the web pages listed below and to mail our printed materials to teachers and teaching students. as well as police officers, fire fighters, health departments, clinics, hospitals, scout leaders, concerned parents and others who promote bicycle safety in their community. See below for info on the printed package.
The list below is from our Toolkit page, edited down to the materials that are probably most interesting to teachers:
Plans! Lessons and tests from California.
A quiz for 5th graders on helmet safety to teach them to use the web.
The page of Quick Answers where the kids research the quiz answers.
English as a
Second Language Curriculum from DOT.
Kids and Bike Safety: Tips on riding and sidewalk use.
- Our outline for a workshop on bicycle helmets.
Videos for helmet campaigns from other sources, not us. Three of them are free!
Outline for a Talk on Bicycle Safety.
DOT's bike safety pamphlet for adults.
A simple page on helmets.
An 11x17 or 4 page coloring book in .pdf format from RAGBRAI.
SafeCyclist Teacher Master Pages.
A bicycle helmet safety song.
A mold for making gelatin brains.
Demonstrations with melons and gelatin brains.
Helmet tongue-twisters.
Sources of posters.
- Do you need Graphics or clip art for your pamphlet or poster?
What a helmet does in a crash.
- Our pamphlet: A Bicycle Helmet for My Child.
- Our pamphlet: How to Fit a Bicycle Helmet.
- TransMadison's flyer with photos on How to Fit a Helmet.
- Our Helmet fit checklist to make sure your fitting worked.
Bicycle materials from I'm Safe.
- A page on avoiding head lice while swapping helmets.
How to get our pamphlets on paper.
How to get DOT's pamphlets on paper.
Pamphlets and videos in Spanish and French
- A US DOT CD ROM: Bicycle
Safety Resource Guide
- A US DOT teacher guide: Demonstrating
Bicycle Helmet Effectiveness.
Why kids don't like to wear helmets.
- A novel for middle schoolers with a powerful safety message: Mick Harte was Here.
Why Wear a Helmet if it
Can't Prevent Concussions
Comic book: Captain Super Safe is a 16 page comic in .pdf format with a story of lost helmets solved by Captain
Super Safe. If printed out in black and white it would make a good coloring book. The Youtube version is here.
Sprocketman comic book a free download from CPSC.
When are kids ready to ride?
A warning: no helmets on playground equipment or climbing trees!.
Some helmet tonguetwisters.
Helmets on college campuses.
Tips for bike safety on college campuses.
Mandatory Helmet Laws.
Using stickers on helmets.
Will kids use helmets you give them?.
Equal performance of cheap vs. expensive helmets
Other Sites
- The
BikeTexas SafeCyclist Teacher Master Pages have pages for teaching bicycle safety.
The California Department of Health Services has a very useful site up with many materials for school-based
helmet promotion campaigns. They have lesson plans (link below) and a Spanish-language pamphlet and other materials.
Worth a look!
How Not to Get Hit by Cars is a useful way to approach bicycle safety,
emphasizing that "wearing a helmet will do absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting hit by a car."
Need this on paper?
If you need the above resources on paper, we have a free packet of materials that we call our Toolkit for Helmet Promotion Programs. It comes with a CD or thumb drive that has a complete copy of our website. We can send it as files on a USB drive or printed on paper with 100% recycled content. It has many but not all of the materials listed above, along with duplicating masters of our pamphlets.
If you are working on a helmet safety program or assembling a resource folder of materials for future classroom use, please send us an email with your postal mailing address and we will send you a Toolkit.
We will acknowledge your email and tell you when we are mailing the Toolkit, normally within a day. We don't use your email address for anything except that reply, but if you would rather not use it at all, just pick up a dull pencil and drop us a postcard or note with your mailing address to:
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
4611 7th Street South
Arlington, VA 22204-1419
If you would rather not send a mailing address, you can just print out the materials above or download the files. Everything we have in our Toolkit is on the website. Everything. It's just not on paper. If you can't wait for snail mail, here is the entire file we print out to send to you in .pdf format. Add the pamphlet files above and you have it all!
You are free to duplicate any of the materials in the Toolkit or on our web pages for school or other nonprofit use provided that the material may not be sold or incorporated into material that is for sale and may not be used in presentations for which a charge is made to the participant.
We do not charge for our materials, and do not send you anything suggesting a donation to make you feel guilty, either. We find that asking people for money complicates things and reduces our outreach, and people who are going to donate something to support our work will do it anyway.
Would you like our email newsletter?
We produce a periodic newsletter on helmet developments and send it around by email. We send one when there is news to report, not every week or month. It's free, of course. If you would like us to add you to the newsletter list, please send us an email.Are we missing anything?
We are an advocacy organization with a long-range perspective, so teachers and community educators are our favorite visitors and we will do anything we can to help you find what you need. If you see something missing that would be useful for your classroom or demonstration, please send us an email. We may or may not be able to add it to our site, but we certainly want to try! If you find helmet materials elsewhere that are not on our list, please let us know about that as well so we can add a link. Other teachers led us to some of the items above in just that way.Back to the top
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