
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

Consumer-funded, volunteer staff

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Bicycle Helmet Stats and Research

Summary: This page has info on bicycle helmet statistics and research resources.

Helmet and Injury statistics - long page
They don't agree, so take your pick!
The total market for bike helmets
How many helmets are sold each year?
New York City data on bicycle deaths
NYC found 97% of dead cyclists had no helmet.
Journal articles and Studies on helmets
Links to scientific journal articles and studies on helmets.
Helmet documents
Materials we have scanned or downloaded.
Helmet construction and materials
Helmet design for students and researchers.
Researchers' page
Info for a thesis or a science project.
Designers' page
Info for a helmet design project.
Term papers on bike helmets
Where to find the info to write a term paper
A workshop on bike helmets
Points to cover when you do a workshop.
Helmet Patents
Some significant patents and how to find others.
Advice for Inventors
We are interested in new helmet technology.
The cost of making a bike helmet
Our guesses on manufacturing and sales costs.

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