Pick a helmet using lab test data
We have a ratings page that
merges top picks from Consumer Reports impact testing and the Virginia Tech Star concussion ratings, updated in September 2024. We also link to Australian, UK and European test reports.
New HighBar helmet straps are unique
Update: Australian test ratings site is amazing
Update: KAV 3D printed helmet tests well
Study: Scalp works as well as MIPS-type helmet additions
Rotational force: do MIPS, WaveCel and SPIN really work?
Helmet recalls and warnings:
NERF, Reyhee, Camzimo,
Korimefa, Chau River, Gasaciods - Fengwang Sports,
Bell, Retrospec, Hovding, Xingdetui, NQDTPBOR, more
Helmets for 2025
Should I wear a helmet at all?
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