Helmets for Children
Summary: Current child helmets perform well. Research is lacking on the impact tolerance of a child's brain, and some researchers believe that the impact foam may be too stiff. Toddlers may not be able to support the weight of a heavy helmet. If in doubt, take helmet and child to your pediatrician and ask. Nobody recommends taking a child less than one year old on a bicycle. We refer to "toddler" helmets for ages 1 to 5, and "child" helmets for 6 to teens, but head size determines what to use.
- Helmets for low income kids
- Factors affecting promotion in equity emphasis zones
- Are helmets with animals or spikes OK for kids?
- Cute, but we don't recommend them.
- Consumer Reports has a few ratings of Kid's helmets
- Most are rated Good for impact protection.
- Taking your baby along?
- We recommend waiting until one year old
- Taking your kids with you
- Trailers, childseats and cargo bikes
- Very small toddler helmets
- Helmets for toddlers with very small heads
- Very large toddler helmets
- Ignore age labels, find one that fits
- Helmets for toddlers with hydrocephalus
- Extra-large heads need extra-large helmets
- What size is my child's head?
- How to measure.
- Getting My Child to Wear A Helmet
- Ten ideas for encouraging your kids to use helmets
- Why kids don't like to wear helmets.
- Reasons the kids give when asked
- Warning: No helmets on playgrounds!
- Advice after deaths of two helmeted children
- Hairstyles and helmet fit
- Baseball caps, pony tails, beads, braids, "helmet hair"
- Lice! Head lice can be a problem
- Cleaning helmets or caps for rentals and schools
- Kids in Dublin Ohio mount bike safety campaign
- Lots of energy, new ideas as kids conduct their own program
- Our pamphlet on child helmets
- Advice on buying, fitting and wearing them
- How to fit a child's helmet
- The best page we have seen on fitting
- A kids tricycle pamphlet called First Wheels, First Helmets
- From the Monroe, WI, Safe Kids Coalition
- Teaching toddlers to wear helmets
- An exchange of Internet messages
- Smallest child helmets in our review of new helmets for this year
- Just search the page for XXS
- Age guidelines for ride-on toys
- The US Government's advice
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