Helmet Documents on Our Server
Summary: These are documents on our server in addition to our own. Sources vary. We have links to Journal articles as well. Web searches will always turn up jillions more helmet references than we have.
The Sliding Resistance of Bicycle Helmets
Voigt Hodgson's landmark study on the sliding resistance of helmets, done in 1991. A long download for slow connections. We also have a .pdf version if that works better for you.
Impact and Skid Tests of Bicycle Helmets
Voigt Hodgson's earlier 1990 study on the sliding resistance of helmets and impact effectiveness. Fewer variables, so it is not as interesting on the skid resistance testing. Another long download for slow connections. We also have a .pdf version of this one if that works better for you.
The Effectiveness of Bicycle Helmets
A very fine review of the literature and study of bicycle helmets by Dr. Michael Henderson, done in 1995 and therefore badly out of date.
Report on helmet use in the Netherlands
Bicycle helmets for young children: determinants for purchase and use.
Description of a Massachusetts pediatric practice's helmet fit study
A study by pediatricians in Falmouth, Massachusetts, tested the ability of kids and parents to fit bicycle helmets. It concluded that most did not fit them well.
Abstract of a Swedish Study on Measures to Increase Helmet Use
A study by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute found that "Several studies, however, indicates that a cycle helmet law may result in a reduction in cycling by young people and in a certain, but temporary, reduction in cycling by younger children. On the other hand, cycling by adults is probably not influenced."
Paper on test anvil finishes
Dave Halstead's paper for the ASTM F8.53 headgear subcommittee on anvil finishes.
Study of effects of helmet positioning in European testing
Swedish Standards Institute study indicating that problems with the European test rig can affect helmet failures.
Lots of stats from many sources. Of course they don't agree, so just take your pick.
A Head Injury Story
A poignant head injury story from the spouse's perspective.
Deaths of Cyclists in British Columbia
The Chief Coroner's office in BC, Canada, reporting on deaths of cyclists there.
Test of Washing Helmets in a Dishwasher
Our test to see how washing in dishwashers affect helmets.
Test of substances that can affect helmets
Our test of hair and skin products that can affect helmets
Theoretical Calculation of Helmet Thickness Necessary to achieve 100g for a 6.2 m/s
Terry Smith and Dan Pomerening's analysis of EPS thickness for a "concussion helmet"
Test results of low velocity impacts on helmets
Dave Thom's test results for ASTM, impacting helmets at lower than normal velocities.
Kranium Research's scientific paper
Kranium's analysis leading to the development of their cardboard-based helmet liner.
Investigation of Rotational Accelerations in Bicycle Helmet Testing
Biokinetics 1997 analysis prepared for PHMA.
New Zealand: Changing patterns of bicycle injuries
WHO's analysis of changed in injury patterns in NZ before and after their helmet law.
CPSC: 16 CFR Part 1203 Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets; Final Rule
CPSC's bicycle helmet standard.
CPSC letter amending their bicycle helmet standard
CPSC issued a letter to PHMA with "clarifications" regarding interior projections.
Proposed Wording for Standard on use of Retroreflective Materials on Bicycle
BHSI and 3M collaborated on this proposal to CPSC to amend their standard.
Requirements for Bicycle Helmets 16 C.F.R. Part 1203
CPSC's 2002 summary of the requirements of the bicycle helmet standard.
Test by Cost of Bicycle Helmets
Our testing to see if cheap and expensive helmets have similar protection.
Correlation Anamolies Between Helmet Drop-Test Systems
George Henderson's famous 1974 study of twin-wire vs. monorail test rigs.
Bicycle Helmet use in Utah
A ten year observational study 1994-2003.
Chin Strap Forces in Bicycle Helmets
Andersson et al study showing lower chin strap forces with slippery helmets.
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