Head Injury in Vietnam
Summary: Head injury in a developing country.
Subject: Letter to Worldwide Partners- Vietnam Helmet Wearing Milestone / A Christmas Gift
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 14:00:46 +0700
From: Greig Craft - greig.craft@aipf-vietnam.org
Dear friends, family and supporters:
December 15, 2007 marked an historic day for Vietnam and for road safety initiatives worldwide. Last Saturday, the enactment date of the country's mandatory helmet law, nearly 100% of Vietnam's motorbike users left home wearing a helmet.
It was an unbelievable sight with a near instantaneous effect. Major hospitals report the number of patients admitted for traumatic brain injuries in the two days after the law's enactment was much lower than on previous weekends. In Ho Chi Minh City alone, serious traffic accident injuries fell by almost 50 percent compared with pre-helmet weekends.
This incredible success comes on the heels of nine years of dedicated lobbying and program work by the Asia Injury Prevention Foundation (AIPF). Since 1999, we have worked hard to bring about this new law and, at the same time, cultivate an environment of traffic safety awareness and helmet acceptance in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries. These efforts have included a broad spectrum of programs:
- Protec Helmets: our nonprofit 'tropical' helmet company, producing high-quality and affordable helmets designed
specifically for Asian heads, and conditions. We employ the physically disabled among our work force, and all profits
flow back into the community.
- Government Lobbying and Collaboration: We have developed close working relationships with Vietnam's Ministry of
Transport, National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), and other relevant government agencies to develop appropriate
helmet standards, including the world's first child motorbike standard, TCVN 6979-2001.
- Conferences and Workshops: These efforts include organizing the landmark Global Road Safety Initiative Helmet
Conference in Hanoi in December 2006. The recommendations of this conference were the foundation of Government
Resolution 32/CP, Vietnam's new helmet law.
- Helmets for Kids: Our signature helmet donation and road safety program where corporations and other organizations
sponsor free Protec helmets and traffic safety education for school children, including crash investigations,
monitoring & surveillance, and daily traffic safety instruction, continues to expand. We have donated over 300,000
helmets, and are now moving into Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and even Africa.
- Traffic Safety Education: AIPF has designed road safety curriculums for primary schools and provided lesson
materials for students and teachers throughout Vietnam
- Public Awareness Campaigns: These efforts include the current year-long, $1.5M National Helmet Wearing Campaign, utilizing live concerts, nationally broadcast television commercials (credited with inspiring the Prime Minister to accelerate implementation of the new helmet law from mid-2008 to late-2007), billboards in city centers, web pages, celebrity goodwill "ambassadors", and other interactive activities. We are also carrying out a detailed statistical study on the results of the campaign.
This multi-faceted approach to the development of effective road safety initiatives and laws offers many lessons and examples for developing countries throughout world. The cooperation and support we have received from a vast spectrum of nonprofit, profit, government, and NGO organizations has been invaluable to these efforts, especially Atlantic Philanthropies, WHO, FIA Foundation, GRSP/GRSi and the UNRSC; and more recently, the Royal Danish Embassy Hanoi, the US Embassy Hanoi, AusAid, ADB, WB, Intel Vietnam and Michelin SEA. Many, many others have also contributed--too many to acknowledge here, but thank you all. Share with us the joy of knowing that tens of thousands of mainly young people will now survive crashes because of our collective efforts. What better Christmas gift than this?
Even with this momentous accomplishment, however, our work is far from finished. The experience of other countries shows that compliance rates for helmet laws can drop dramatically in ensuing months and years. Drops in 24/7 compliance have already emerged as an issue, with the vast majority of violations occurring in the evenings. Most post-December 15 brain injuries have been among riders who did not wear helmets; wore them incorrectly; or were wearing poor-quality helmets. With this in mind, AIPF's and other organizations' work is more important than ever. It is imperative that we not be lulled into a false sense of security
Although constant and proper motorbike helmet use is important, we must not forget other critical areas in the development of Vietnam's road safety. Anti-drink driving, anti-speeding, and pro-seat belt initiatives, expanded traffic safety education programs, and even efforts for a nationwide bicycle helmet law are all on the horizon.
The recent dramatic success of Vietnam's new motorbike helmet law has been nothing short of miraculous. Because of our collective efforts, traffic safety is one of the most visible issues in the country today. We cannot let this momentous opportunity slip away. With your continued support, we will work for a safer and more prosperous Vietnam and strive to export this model to other motorizing nations in the region.
Yours sincerely,
Greig Craft
PS: Please check our latest ads and summary results (pre Dec 15) at the following youtube sites:
English version of teaser
Vietnamese version of teaser
Ogilvy documentary
Greig Craft
Asia Injury Prevention Foundation
12B Ngoc Khanh Street
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84-4) 771 0700
Fax: (84-4) 771 0701
Email: greig.craft@aipf-vietnam.org
Backup email: inhanoi@gmail.com
Website: www.asiainjury.org; www.protechelmets.com.vn
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