
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

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The Helmet Update

Volume 39 - #5 - October 10, 2021

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Albany County adopts ebike and escooter all-ages helmet law.

ABUS recalls MountZ youth helmets.

Albany County NY ebike and escooter helmet law

Albany County, NY has adopted an all-ages ebike and escooter helmet law. The legislature was responding to reports that only about 5 per cent of ebike and escooter riders are wearing helmets, and that the head injury rate is double that of regular pedal bike crashes.

The law provides a $100 fine, but it can be waived if the rider buys or rents a helmet after being ticketed. It can also be waived for the first offense if the rider has economic constraints preventing them from buying a helmet. The full text of the law is here.

ABUS recalls MountZ youth helmets

CPSC has announced that ABUS has recalled some of their ABUS MountZ youth helmets. The recall is for the size fitting heads about 21 inches (54 cm) in circumference, sold in black and in white. The model ACM (MountZ) with the manufactured date of March 2020 or October 2020 is printed on a label on the inside of the helmet. ABUS says the reason for the recall is that sample helmets did not comply with the impact attenuation tests required under the CPSC standard for cold and wet conditions in the frontal/crown area. The helmets were sold at independent bike shops nationwide from April 2020 through October 2021 for about $80. 790 units were sold.

ABUS had an informative page up on their website for a time and was asking customers to return the helmet to their recall service, Sedgwick.com. The helmets were manufactured for ABUS by Ningbo Tianqi Technology Co., Ltd., of China. Other MountZ batches have apparently not been recalled. ABUS had a recall link at the top of their US web page, something we would like to see other manufacturers do.

The recall is dated November 10, 2021. It is posted on the CPSC site. When that link breaks please use the search function on the CPSC site.

The Helmet Update - Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
Randy Swart, Editor
4611 Seventh Street South
Arlington, VA 22204-1419 USA
(703) 486-0100 (voice)
(703) 486-0576 (fax)
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