Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
The Helmet Update by email
Volume 20, #2 - May 2, 2002
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Safe Kids Helmet Campaign
The National Safe Kids Campaign has announced on May 2, 2002, a new national helmet safety campaign. The campaign extends beyond bicycles to focus on all wheeled vehicles that kids ride: scooters, skateboards, inline skates and more.
Safe Kids has issued a press release on their new campaign. It has links to more info on their site, including a new study on kids' attitudes toward head injury while on wheels, new statistics, tip sheets, materials in Spanish and the details of their campaign.
Although Safe Kids has been a consistent booster of helmet safety, this will be their most concerted effort in the field since their very successful campaign in 1989. Their local coalitions will be distributing to kids in need across the nation up to $1 million worth of Bell helmets donated by Johnson & Johnson and Bell Sports. That alone should ensure that this campaign has visible impact. In addition, Johnson & Johnson will be launching an advertising campaign that will include distribution of safety tips through 60,000 retail stores and to 45 million households across the nation. Back to the top
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