
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

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Bicycle Helmet Test Labs

Summary: CPSC publishes a list of US Government accredited labs for testing helmets to the CPSC standard.

Test Labs

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has the official US Government list of labs certified by them for testing to the CPSC bike helmet standard. It is kept current by CPSC, so we no longer list individual labs.

To get the list, click on "16 CFR Part 1203, Bicycle Helmets" in the window and then the Narrow List button to narrow the search. There is contact info for each lab.

Test Lab Equipment

If you need helmet test lab equipment, we only know of a few suppliers. There may be others.

GTM & Systems
Founded as AD Engineerng in 1981 by Aldo Descrovi.
Via Sottomurata 1,
6934 Bioggio
Tel 0041 (0)91 600 13 15

Serge Dextrase
200-D St. Louis
St-Jean, Quebec, J3B 1Y1
Phone 514-348-6774
Fax 514-348-7157
Email: cadex@cadexinc.com

Biokinetics and Associates Ltd
2470 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 1E1
Phone 613-736-0384 ext. 233
Fax 613-736-0990
e-mail: baines@biokinetics.com

INSPEC International Ltd
56 Leslie Hough Way
Greater Manchester
M6 6AJ
Phone +44 (0) 161 737 0699
Fax +44 (0) 161 736 0101
Email: testing@inspec-international.com

SGS US Testing Company
Vince Conforti
291 Fairfield Avenue
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Phone 800-777-8378, ext. 2033
Email: vincent_conforti@sgsgroup.com

Southern Impact Research Center, LLC
Supplier of NOCSAE headforms.
P. David Halstead (NOCSAE Technical Director)
1817 Ailor Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37921
Phone 865-523-1662
Fax 865-523-1233
email: sirc@soimpact.com

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