Summary: You can help us. This is what the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute needs today. Note: we do not accept donations of any kind from the helmet industry.
- Bike and helmet safety videos that we can duplicate and distribute free.
- Help from a volunteer bookkeeper, and a volunteer CPA who can audit our financials.
- Lesson plans for all grades covering both bicycle safety and helmet safety. We send a lot of our Toolkits for Helmet Promotion Programs to teachers and would like to include lesson plans with them, as well as post them on the web. We send lesson plans now from the State of California, but they are for middle school.
- A series of quizzes for teachers to use at various elementary and middle school levels after giving some basic instruction on helmet use. We have one very nice one now, but only for middle school kids.
- Crossword puzzles on helmets, in Word format or any other format. Any K-12 level you want to do it for.
- A wordgram on helmets, with a grid of mixed letters of perhaps 12 x 12, inside which occur helmet words, with the words listed below the grid. Again in Word format.
- Various illustrations of helmets worn correctly (level, strap snug) and incorrectly (tilted back, strap loose). Those can be almost any format. Many others will want to borrow them from us. They must be copyright-free.
- A pair of almost identical safety scenes with bicycles and helmets used correctly in one and incorrectly in the other for a "Can you find the problems" game. Safe Kids has one, but we don't have permission to use it, which is always the problem when we look for materials.
- Dual Interface USB drives. We send a CD with our free Toolkit for Helmet Promotion Programs, and DVDs with videos. Or we can send it all on a thumb drive. But we need the type of USB drive that has both USB A and USB C plugs.
- Information for a police department on how to run a "good ticket" program.
- Research on brain injury thresholds to justify improved helmet standards.
- A jillion dollars to hire people to do all those things. ;-)
- Things you can think up that we haven't got a clue about yet!
Anything you prepare for us and contribute will be copyrighted by you--or by BHSI if you prefer that--as a precaution only, with a notice that reproduction is unrestricted for non-profit use. We will use it on our website, on the disks we send out with our Toolkit for Helmet Promotion Programs and in the paper version of the Toolkit. Please feel free to send us other things not on this list if you can improve something we are using now or have new ideas for things we should be sending.