How to support our work
Summary: Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit running on about $12,000 per year in tax-deductible consumer donations. We do not accept support from the helmet industry, only from consumers. We spend 100 per cent of your donation on program expenses, nothing on administration or salaries and nothing on fundraising. We could really use your support if you can afford it.
To donate
Please do not donate if you are involved in the helmet industry or the retail sale of helmets. We will have to return your donation!-
Credit card, debit card or PayPal : please use this PayPal button. It provides a connection encrypted and
secured by https. We accept credit cards through PayPal, so you don't have to have a PayPal account. They do not
share your card info with us. Please check the box to share your mailing address with us so we can send you a letter
for your tax files.
- You can send donations by check or money order directly to:
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
4611 Seventh Street South
Arlington, VA 22204-1419
Here is a form to print out to send your check. We also have it as a .pdf file.
The Story
BHSI is supported by consumer donations. We do not accept any funding of any kind from anyone or any organization or company involved in the production or sale of helmets. We spend 100 per cent of your donation on program expenses, nothing on administration or salaries and nothing on fundraising. Donors are not listed on our website.
BHSI is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Service code. Our IRS determination letter is dated October 17, 2016. Our Federal EIN # is 81-4084438.
We run on a annual budget of about $12,000. That is made possible by volunteer staff, no salaries and a lot of scrimping and saving. That beats spending our energy or any part of your donation on fundraising! We are grateful for consumer contributions to support this work.
Your donation can do a lot:
- $7 sends the duplicating masters for our pamphlets, plus other materials for photocopying by a helmet campaign.
- $8 sends our package of DVDs or a thumb drive with 7 videos for a helmet campaign.
- $11 sends a Toolkit for Helmet Promotion Programs to a teacher or an organizer of a local helmet program, including all of our materials.
- $28.50 pays our web costs for a month.
- $342 pays all of our website and email server expenses for a year, serving more than 850,000 visitors.
- $800 sends us to an ASTM helmet standards committee meeting to work for better bicycle helmet standards.
- $12,000 funds the entire Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute for a year!
Other references
- Our program description
- Our budget
- Consumer Reports featured us in their Blog more than ten years ago.
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